Once the state has approved the business and you have an EIN, you will want to set up a business bank account. The most basic setups a checking account and a debit card. This will allow you to accept payments via electronic payment or check and purchase things your business needs from Website domains, to tools, to business cards, to travel, to … You should also think beyond the basics. So you might want a business credit card, and a business savings account (to park money).
To set up a business account, you will typically need the organization papers, EIN number, various identification numbers and so on. The best approach is to select which bank you’d like to work with, and then visit the bank to set up your account. This process is relatively simple - most banks want your business.
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And remember, I am not an accountant. I am not a lawyer. You will want to get help from these experts and should defer to their opinion in the event that what you read on this page differs from their opinion.